Thursday, March 29, 2007

SOLD!........well maybe

Hey everybody. Well we have conditionally sold our house. The home inspection is today so as long as they do not find anything wrong with the property, then its official. The only dissapointing part is that the possession date is the end of May which means we have to move our Europe trip to either June or July. We are thinking July now (Ben and Johanna I will email you when we know for sure) because we have two graduations and a wedding to go to in June. My little sister and Braden's little brother are graduating on the same weekend! Bad luck hey? So we decided that I will go to Kate's grad and Braden will go to Nathan's. And Braden's cousin Brittany is getting married and we are so excited! It should be a fun wedding!

1 comment:

The World of Haab said...

Hey Erin! Hope you had a good Easter. I may be on MSN in a day or so but Ben has been so busy editing meaning it is rare I get onfor too long! Anyways...We will chat soon!!!